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Data Processing for the Purposes of this Online Application

A member of staff from the Credit Union may contact the person identified in this application by phone, text or email in connection with it.

In order to process your application, we will process your personal data with third parties who perform important functions for us. We are also required to cooperate by law with Irish regulatory or enforcement bodies. The details provided in this application form together with any other information that is furnished to us in connection with this application will be retained and processed by the Credit Union in accordance with the Privacy Notice. We note that some of the processing may include sensitive Personal Data belonging to you, such as data about your health, the processing of which requires your explicit consent.  Your consent here is provided for the purposes of the Data Protection Acts and Section 71 Credit Union Act 1997 (as amended).

Credit Checks

t is a necessary condition of a loan application that satisfactory credit checks and assessments be conducted by the Credit Union. These will include checks with the Central Credit Register and/or other credit reference agencies.

Statutory Notice – Central Credit Register (CCR) Under the Credit Reporting Act 2013 lenders are required to provide personal and credit information for credit applications and credit agreements of €500 and above to the Central Credit Register. This information will be held on the Central Credit Register and may be used by other lenders when making decisions on your credit applications and credit agreements. The Central Credit Register is owned and operated by the Central Bank of Ireland. For more information please see:

E Notices Information

The Credit Union is obliged to send certain notices to Members, including notice of the Annual General Meeting with Annual Report, Notices of any Special General Meeting or Notices under Section 130 of the Credit Union Act relating to mergers. In order to reduce postage costs and our carbon footprint the Credit Union would like to send you such Notices electronically to the email address you have provided.